Collection of my past academic presentations and competitions.

Collection of my past academic presentations and competitions. (img)


ieice ieee mwe iac ipho apho


From Secondary school to Graduate school, I have participated in several academic events, and this is where I show my experiences on them.

Competitions doing Secondary and High School:

Provincial and National Informatics Contest for the Youth 2014

During the 9th grade in 2014, due to my interest in informatics, I participated in the Informatics Contest for the Youth. At that time, because I had to both study for the examination to high school and the contest at the same time, I could not spend too much time preparing for this contest. However, fortunately, I aced the provincial contest and got its highest prize for secondary school student.

That prize allowed me to participate in the national contest, but unfortunately, I only got a Consolation prize. However, for a 9th grader, the experience from participating in such a big national contest where I was able to travel to the capital without escort from parents to meet friends from many schools in the country was way more valuable than any prizes.

Informatics contest
First prize in the provincial Informatics Contest for the Youth, with myself in the middle, photo: BaoNgheAn

National Excellent Student Contests in Physics

After that busy but fun 9th grade, and a lot of examinations, I got admitted to the best high school in my province, studying in a Physics-specialized class. I spent most of my time studying Physics and Maths in order to stand out of the crowd to be selected to the team participating in the National Contests for excellent students. And I succeed.

In the 11th grade, I got a second prize in the National Contest and stopped there. However, I wanted more, that was why I spent a lot of my time again, preparing to the contest in the 12th grade in 2017. And this time, I got the first prize, as well as a chance to participate in the Asian Physics Olympiad. My efforts paid off.

The Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO) 2017

The Asian Physics Olympiad 2017 was held in Russia, but in the Eastern side of it, which is located in Asia, in a city named Yakutsk, the coldest city in the world. This was the first time I traveled oversea, as well as the first time I went to a country with radically different climate than my own.

Prior to that point, the only people I had talked to were from my country. The competition brought to me chances to talk with people from all over Asia. I participated in cultural exchanges, physics idea discussions, and a lot of other fun activities. The host country was generous to bring us to many amazing "icy" places, such as a frozen river, ice cave, zoos of cold-climate animals, local high-school and local museums that sold Mammoth tusks by small pieces at reasonable prices. At the end of the competition, the organizer gave each participant a small diamond locally mined from the area as a souvenir to remind us of the city.

It was an amazing experience experience for me. I grew up a lot by talking and learning from some of the most genius people from other cultures. Now, when looking back, I would confidently say that this competition acted as a solid first step for me to become a "global" citizen.

-- Myself from the future.

The International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) 2017

Due to my solid results from the Asian Physics Olympiad, I was given a change to participate in the International Physics Olympiad 2017 in Indonesia. Interestingly, although this is a global competition, it was held closer to my home country than the Asian one.

Due to being so close to home, I did not feel "amazed" as before. However, this feeling did not last long, since I was soon discovered many amazing people there. The local people, as well as other contestants from the other side of the Earth gave me a similar, yet unique experience that cannot be explained enough by words.

At the end of the competition, I got a Gold medal. That really helped me to be ready for the future.

Me and my highschool physics teacher with the Gold medal.

Academic presentations, exhibitions, and scholarships

International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 2021

During the third year of university, I participated in a summer program organized and funded by Google, called Google Summer of Code, that you can easy find information about it in my profile, as well as on the internet. I was assigned to work with the organization, under monitoring from mentor Andreas Hornig - a very cool German affiliated with the University of Stuttgart that loves anything related to satellite and space.

After about 3 months working for the project, I was able to produce some results that were good enough to be used as a part of a larger project of the organization. As a result, my research was used for an academic paper presented in the International Astronautical Congress 2021 in Dubai about satellite locationing techniques. Although I could not go to the venue due to several reasons, which includes finance, I am proud that my research was presented very well by my mentor in the event to space enthusiasts all over the world.

IEEE AP-S Undergraduate Summer Research Scholarship (IEEE USRS)

In 2022, I register for a research program by the IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society (IEEE AP-S) to encourage research within the field by undergraduate students. I won it, along with about 10-15 other people over the world and received funding to conduct the research in my lab. At the end of the program, I got a change to showcase my research to the organization. That was the first real research activity I did in my life, and I am proud of it.

Microwave Exhibition 2022

The Microwave Exhibition 2022 was held in Yokohama, Japan. My lab got allocated a slot to present current research projects to people that are interested. I was assigned to present two research posters there. That was the first time I present something "academic" to other people in academia, as well as in the industry. I got to meet people from different backgrounds, such as one guy from the US Military R&D department stationed in Japan, a group of wireless technology researchers from Singapore, etc. It was simply amazing.

Me at the Microwave Exhibition.

IEICE General Conference 2023

After finished my undergraduate research, I presented my undergraduate research in the IEICE General Conference, which is a domestic scientific conference in Japan. This is the first time, I was alone by myself during the presentation. However, it went great. I was amazed by how people genuinely interested in my research and asked many interesting questions that really helped me improve my project later on.

The Asia-Oceania Top University League on Engineering (AOTULE) conference 2023

In 2023, with my academic performances as well as my activities in internal presentations and workshops, I was chosen a long a few other students to represent Tokyo Tech at the 18th AOTULE conference, which was held in Sri Lanka at the University of Moratuwa. The conference was participated by student delegates from the best Engineering universities in Asia-Oceania, such as Tokyo Tech, Tsinghua, NUS, UMelbourne, KAIST, HKUST, HUST, etc., and focused mostly in the topic of Engineering Education for Sustainable Development.

Me at the AOTULE conference 2023

The Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications (SITA) 2023

This Symposium was held in Yamaguchi, Japan. I represented Ericsson to present a research here. It was a memorable experience interacting with some of the best people in the field of Information Theory in Japan.

Me at SITA with Ericsson.

So, at the end, what I learned:

Sometimes, the best value you get from early being really good at a field (in my case, Physics) is not the domain knowledge you learn, but the opportunities it gives you to interact with people different from you to selectively learn from them and improve yourself to be better. These opportunities, are invaluable.